Popular Trading Card Radio Show to broadcast live from the show floor of the largest trading card and collectibles event of the year. Special events planned during 5-day extravaganza.
The 2014 National Sports Collectors Convention is shaping up to be one of the best in its storied history. Cardboard Connection Radio, the longest-running, weekly radio show dedicated to the hobby, will broadcast live throughout the 5-day event at Cleveland’s International Exposition (I-X) Center. Friends of the show and special guests will talk trading cards with hosts Doug Cataldo, Rob Bertrand, Russ Cohen and David Wright as events unfold.
VIP and Super VIP ticket holders will also receive an added bonus. In cooperation with SA-GE Collectibles, collectors can chase a 10-card set of football cards (images attached). Each VIP or Super VIP bag will include one of the nine-card set. The 10th card, a checklist, may be picked up at the Cardboard Connection Radio booth (M-1) by showing your SA-GE/Cardboard Connection Radio trading card that is found in the VIP and Super VIP bags -- while supplies last. The set contains 7 rookies and 2 second-year players.
#N1 Le'Veon Bell
#N2 Blake Bortles
#N3 Teddy Bridgewater
#N4 Derek Carr
#N5 Jadeveon Clowney
#N6 Mike Evans
#N7 Eddie Lacy
#N8 Sammy Watkins
#N9 Terrance West
#NNO Checklist
As always, collectors will find a variety of cards and other goodies including t-shirts, and supplies from our friends at UltraPro at the Cardboard Connection booth beginning on Wednesday, July 30. They will be available while supplies last.
On Saturday, August 2nd, members of the Baseball Heritage Museum in Cleveland will appear at the Cardboard Connection Radio booth. The Baseball Heritage Museum showcases the contributions that the Negro, Hispanic and women's leagues made to the game of baseball. The museum’s executive director is Vern Fuller, former second baseman for the Cleveland Indians. Vern will sign autographs that afternoon (exact time TBD). To help the museum, which is a non-profit, a donation of $5 for Vern's signature is required with all proceeds going to the museum.
On Sunday, August 3rd, our guest will be artist extraordinaire Sean Kane. Sean is the founder of Painted Glove Collectibles (http://www.seankanebaseballart.com). Sean will demonstrate his artistic talents and show how he produces one of his unique, one-of-a-kind collectibles. Sean has graciously donated a glove with a Cleveland theme to put in the hands of a lucky collector. Stop by the booth to find out how you can participate.
Let’s Talk Trading Cards Cleveland!
About Cardboard Connection Radio
Now in its 14th season, Cardboard Connection Radio is the longest-running weekly trading card radio show. Cardboard Connection Radio airs on Wednesday and Friday evenings for 90 minutes of trading card talk with industry pros, athletes, entertainment stars and collectors from around the globe. Hosts Doug Cataldo, Rob Bertrand, Russ Cohen and David Wright will take you into the wild world of trading cards and memorabilia. The show is sponsored by Panini America, UltraPro, Upper Deck, The Simmons Law Firm, Leaf Trading Cards, SA-GE Collectibles, Inc., GTS Distribution and CardSmithsBreaks.com